Phoebe in Bowersville, GA

Phoebe is a 6 month old female KuneKune pig who is smart, funny, indendent, curious and playful. She is currently 1 of 36 pigs in need of homes from an accidental breeding situation within our community. The herd is referenced as the "Elberton Kunes". Our organization is helping vet adopters and make sure pigs are spayed and neutered and up to date on necessary vetting before going to forever homes.

Phoebe currently lives with a group of 18 pigs and is very easygoing. She is fairly sweet and calm, but like most pigs, will need some time to decompress in a new environment and get to know his new family. She has the potential to be such a loving, affectionate family member.

Pigs are happiest with companion pigs, so it is our preference that Phoebe is adopted with a fellow herd mate or goes to a home where he will have another pig to live with.

Sex: Female Altered: Yes
Age: 1 yr, 1 mo Lives: Outdoors
Location: Bowersville, GA
For more information on this adoptable pet pig, contact:
Corrine Baker
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