Ellie in Jamison, PA

Ellie has been at Ross Mill Farm for quite some time. She is considered an outdoor piggy and would love a home where she gets lots of outside time when it's nice. (Ellie is not a fan of the cold!) She has had some aggression issues, so a patient and pig-savvy household would be best. Her behavior has improved leaps and bounds over the years, and the person who typically feeds her daily can come come in her pen without issue. She's still wary of other people, though, so it will take time. Ellie is a medium sized pig.

If you are interested in adopting, please visit our website and complete the application: https://www.pigplacementnetwork.org/online-adoption-application/

Qualified homes must 1) be in a zone friendly community, 2) locate a vet that will care for pet pigs, 3) own their home.

Additional Photos
Sex: Female Altered: Yes
Age: 14 yrs, 3 mos Lives: Outdoors
Location: Jamison, PA
For more information on this adoptable pet pig, contact:
PPN contact: Ashley
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PPN contact: Susan
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